membuat robot small quadruped

Apparently some guys got trouble opening the CorelDraw files attached before. So I exported those files into various extension : cmx (to be opened in any CorelDraw version), pdf & eps (for Adobe Illustrator). They're attached as "Quadruped Files"

UPDATE : October 15, 2012
Attached the arduino code, CorelDraw file for circuit board & laser cut acrylic.
Sorry for not attached these file before. The code is lame and very unprofessional, so you might want to use your own code.. :(

It's a wandering quadruped robot with only one ultrasound sensor. Therefore I programmed the robot to rotate left then right (or opposite, randomly) when there's obstacle in front. Then the robot compare which direction has further distance to walk by.

I didn't use inverse kinematics for legs movement. Why? Because I hadn't learn it yet! :P See, I'm bad in mathematics.. :(
I don't know what kind of gait I used, but I have ever read somewhere that it called "crawl" gait (correct me if I'm wrong).
The microcontroller is ATmega328 with arduino bootloader. I'm very lucky there is this PCB maker in my town willing to make PCB without minimum order. So I ordered this custom arduino compatible board with extension pins for servos.

I use 12x HXT900 micro servo (3 DOF each leg). Body frame & legs built from laser cut acrylic board, some screw, bolt & spacer. I designed it with Corel Draw software, which I'm more expert using it than using microcontroller cause I'm a graphic designer. :P
I haven't measure its weight yet, but dimensions are about 180 mm length & width, 140 mm height.

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